Give another try

pancake again?! hahahaa.. actually my first-pancake wasn't sucess, it didn't have volume and hard to handle just like omelete too slight, and much easier to make scramble, eheee... okay let say that was pityful pancake, what's wrong? another day, without recipe, without measure I combine the ingredients and tadaaaa... the looks meet expectation, pluffy and had volume, delicious, hummm not bad, Onion Icons but actually I'm not talking about pancake anyway, I'm talking about Trying. Well, actually I get easily depressed and hide it when something not goin' my way. Pretending that was okay is too painful, and hard, but the hardest one is move and give another try to your self, trust your self that you can make it someday. As time goes by, I should learn what I had yesterday and today. I remember the first time I get frustated is on senior high school, when my friend and I apply the same university, STT Telkom, bandung... too bad, I was failed and my friend was accepted. that time just like the end of the day, it was a big hit for me, my heart broken, I cried as loud as I can, my parents can help when I cry, hahaha... I cry for them actually, that time I think I was failed to make them proud of their only child. until my dad said "it's okay, stop crying,!!" with angry. I stop crying. Thanks for my beloved people around me, for understanding and keep pushing me move forward, on the next time I apply for STMB Telkom bandung, and accepted :-) the day I have to move to bandung is the day when SPMB issue the result, my mom insist me to check the result and... I accepted in state university, IPB. that time, once again... I get confused, for my mom it's actually no choice IPB much better than Telkom, I knew it. The problem come when I doubt my ability to struggle in state university, I might not be the best... but in private university, I might able to reach it, feels like sit in 2 chairs and ready to fall, maybe I already told it on my previous post I decided IPB. I don't care about "farmer", "spades", word, some people underestimate agriculture, agriculture related to uneducated works, "why don't you go to higher education, while in the ends you do the un-edicated work?" someone who said that must be regret, regret for his bad-thought of agriculture, don't you think that agriculture needs more science to improved our daily-basic-needs? you must be proud of them who had visionary thoughts like that, nah?!
okay, the first year on IPB goin well, my expectation not being the best accomplished, that's the way it is.. But it's okay, being average, and can survive there. The problem came when I choose major of university (choosen at 2nd year) I was accepted on soil science, again.. I was sooo disapointed, angry, frustated with question mark in head "why?" that's not what I want!! can I make it?! a-18years-old-girl crying helplessly in front of her mom, out of control because I didn't get what I want, I'm sorry to make you sad mom...sad because crying so loud in front of you and never listen what you said to me that time, I realized that there's no use while I made my parents confused... hahahhhaaa, silly, but it's true, soil science is my 5th choice of 32 list of majors. Onion Icons ah, that was what I want? I dunno... ha-ha-ha
In the end, I studied on my major hapilly, easily, and more specific, unique than other, though it takes 9 smesters to finished it, thanks for my parents not to burden me with their perfection, still give their time, love, and patience... I love you, you are the best parents in the world, ever!
Graduated, it's not about state/private university, it's not about choosing one major of 32, you can cry if you can't get it.. but to choose your career among 1000 choice, there's no time to 22-years-old-girl crying in front of her mom, it's part of real life... makes each pieces as path of what you achive....it's just like...making pancake, however the unsucessfull shape bring you into the perfect shape as your wish,


Let's Make Pancake

When I looked book of cake recipes that I gave to my mom 2 years ago as a gift (she didn't open the gift yet for 2 years, because she said I wrapped it too lovely<~ weird) okay, my eyes stopped at redbean-cake-recipe, the aperance is so tasty for me, just like dorayaki with redbean pasta in the middle, my mouth become watery.. hiiii... so the next day, I decided to buy the ingredients. Too bad, I can find canned redbean, but the-looks like dorayaki-ingredients is completed, hummmm..no..no, dorayaki is too small, let's say pancake, because it has similiar step. Let's improve with vanilla ice cream to substitude the redbean pasta..
Actually, I made some trial error of doing that, the apearance didn't meet expectation : pluffy and easy, eheee...after blogwalking, some good, and some bad in making pancake, the pancake is more like "serabi" hahahaa, later I know there are several kind of pancake, like american pancake, chineese pancake, british pancake.. I don't know what kind of mine too, what do you think? my self-made pancake? eheee... martabak could be indonesian big-pancake..

Step #1, I get the trick and tips after blogwalking, to separate the liquid and dry ingredients, it give times to flour aeration. It's so simple recipe actually, the liquid ingredients are milk, honey, egg, and sugar and the dry ingredients are flour,instant yeast, vanilli, baking soda, and salt... mixed them up.

after all mixed, don't forget to put melted butter or oil (my tips, if you are lazy to make it, ahahaa) and wait about 30 minutes to give the yeast make bubbles on your mix...

next, work with pan.... put proper portion of mix on your pan, on minimum heat... be careful, they get easily burnt, you must check if there is bubble on your pan because heat, immediatelly flip it up.. to be honest it's not easy huh, I almost make scramble...

voailaaaa... I love dressing up MSN Onion Icons

put some vanilla ice cream and caramel, yummm this one is for my photographer who had documented all the step, thanks a lot for your help, maybe that was the last...I'll miss you :-)

let'a have another one, this is for all my lovely readers... bon apetit! Onion Icon


Cheating Post

okay, started with my ReTweet about zodiacfact of geminis, for some case I do believe that every zodiac sign had similiar character, just like blood type. You must check it out in my previous post about that, almost all fact about your character is true, ehhhe...and the rest about prediction of horoscope... hummm I do not believe it, there's no way all the same zodiac sign had the same activity at once too... strange, huh...Back to topic of writing, since (looks like) I love writing about everything EXCEPT my self, noted that, I won't write about inside of mine or reveal my heart HERE, the conseques is hard to handle, ehheee... one of my friend said it's not true, almost all af my blog talk about my self... yaa.. yaa.. could be, it's all about around me and how I bring it into informative and a little persuasive, and succesfully make some of my reader envy.. right?! hihiii...thanks to her anyway, I started my blog because of her, she had a beautiful and courageous way of writing, she can tell everything even about her heart bravely...
well, if one day you find me write about heart you might see the different side of me, side that I hide.. that could be change your preception about me... hahaha okay, enough I think I bring you too far about this, sssstttt......it's persuasive one anyway Onion Icons

I found Interesting about topic of an essay to aply a job as a reporter in one of Indonesian daily newspaper : " Reason to be a reporter"
it is max. 2000 character long to tell it, wew.. I even had three simple reason of doing that, that can be implied by 3 senteces : first, I love photograpy. Second, I love travel and Third, I love writing. aaaalll that I love and love, concern about reporter's jobdesk, I think that's all that I need, PLUS if love what you do, you will get maximun quality, isn't? as bachelor degree of agriculture I hope I can put all that I love in right specification : write about agriculture MSN Onion Icons


Good Bye, Kitty...

I feel so bad, lost, and so sad today... kitty was hit by car this morning, a realy realy bad news to start a day, I even can't say anything but to show up this emoticon :

MSN Onion EmoticonOnion Icons Onion Icons Onion Icons MSN Onion IconsMSN Onion Icons
and maybe :

Onion IconsOnion Iconsfor someone who drive a car carelessly, they are just kitten, they love playing! would you pleaseeee to be aware of those, huh! I even alwasys checked the machine and make sure they are complete before I go, hhhhh.... don't you know I love them so?!
lately I let them out of my home, I don't know why after they had their meal they didn't come back, they sleep at one of my neighbour's house... I think it's okay, maybe they need to explore their own environtment... but they still come if I called them, that's why I can still playing with them. Right a day before they "move" I put each of them necklace with their own intial name (just like the picture above). And this could be a "charmbracelet" because I put them with love... and right a day before kitty was hit, she lost her necklace, too bad.... Kitty is my favourite, she was the first kitten who comes running to me, noooo...hhhh, kitttyyyy *writing with blury eyes..
even those kids around my home love to play with them, one of the kid specialy come to my home just to tell : kitty was hit , actually I can't stand to look how it was, but a have to...
I make a little funeral to say good bye to her...

kind of sweet, those kids put petals on kitty's funeral without
being asked

Good bye kitty...I love you,


ahaa! I have similiar pictures here... When I was child, riding my 3-wheel-bicycle, my first bike anyway... then I had another bike when I was on elementary school, and nowaday when I graduated from university, on bachelor degree, my father still bought bicycle for me...Onion EmoticonsThank you, I love youuu daaadd...
Do you remember rollerblade or scooter? it used to be famous, rite? I even had rollerblade too, I used to think that playing rollerblade is cool, like celebrity do, ahaaa (lebay), but it took no longer, the bicycle-mode still exist, I don't know why, but in my opinion bicycle is most useful than other... and thanks for people who thinks "green" and take bicycle as solution for transportation, make it nowaday-lifestyle...
I think goverment should support by making bicycle-way (is it right? what does it call?) and proper pedestrian, I'm sure everyone will use it if they are comfort within, like their own vehicle... yahh..Bad habit of indonesian, they get a little bit lazy to walk from nearest shelter to their destination, so public car, like bus or angkot can stopped wherever they want and it cause traffic jam too. The volume of vehicle is getting bigger every year, but in other side the road- growth can't handle situation. So the only solution is public transportation, but some factors ruin the image of public transportation like vadalism, criminal on public car, prestige (maybe) of having car, and also uncomfortable means. Some country had good transportation system, this video showed japan's bike storage... ahhh I wish I can used subway and riding bicycle through destination..I know...I'm in developing country now, I have to wait... to see how indonesian's subway lookslike MSN Onion Icon

Yesterday, I ride Mico with kitties...

Isn't it cute? huaaaa the basket had special task, to put all 4 kitties in... they are not used to take a ride on bicycle, they can stay for a little journey and then burst up, hahahaa...be nice to mico, and I think perry started to enjoy the ride, Onion Emoticons


3 wishes to do

what to do...what to do. at least I had 3 main point today on my tweet :

Scrapbooking | Blogging | jobseeking

well, started my morning with scrapbooking, I bought these scrappy stuff when I went to Bandung long time ago, and I have to make it now, 3 frames with so many elements come within, I let my imagination palyin' (halah) there you are, scrapbooking on progress...

Every frame had it own themes, I called the first one "liebe" simple white backround and roses lace make 3D effect, one of my favorite, I put it on living room's wall, hahahaaa... my mom has unique expression, just let everyone know it!

The rest, another two frames I put on my room's wall, and all of sudden my room's wall getting full, another one is my first scrapbook (ahhh...I just remember, what does it called? scrapbook? scraphoto? whatever it will be). The theme about "me and my pet" had bigger frame, because I had many snaps of kitties and ganteng, but only some of them I can put on... The Black frame theme is "I love food" actually I interested by its background, but I get it too much, so, I made pre-background with wavy cut on white paper and put callout.
My-3frames-scrapbook-duty is done, next to do is.. Blogging, post it on the blog! at the same time my father take me to buy bicycle that I asked about a few days ago.. yippie!! buy bicycle with daddyyyyy!! Onion Icon

Just like milk and cookie, so that his name..Onion Iconmico!

My wish to have a basket-cycle is complished, rriiiiinggg...rrriinngg...!
can you hear thaatt?

well equiped with dynamo-lamp, don't have to worry riding when
day getting dark..

City bike, now had 6 speed... so I can ride comfortly and easy

it is 3 wishes that must be done, the 3rd one is on progress.. I already do for it, mico will take me to workplace if it is come true, amiiiinnn...

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