My bad I can't remember what happen for a single month very well. Some photo documentation help me by its date. So I try to digiscrap- photos of 2010 per months, and totally makes me tired and get a lil' bit dizzy doing scrap, shorting, recall, memorize, anything at the same time, 12 frames, but finally done. hummm... not bad I think.... (ya to be honest it's not good, hiehehehee) enjoy this,
January... almost a year ago huh? I'm sorry I can't remember what might be special on this month, but my photo documentation told me that I started 2010 with my lovely friends, piska n mbem at my father's friend cottage in puncak/ciawi, big enough and had a good scene of mt. and the park also interesting, we can't stand to take a picture, there's no tv in this cottage, so at night we totally chit chat, eating and enjoy the scene untill we fall asleep... uh, I'm sorry, I think we watch korean drama on my laptop anyway... ikikikikk the first group of activity is the older's one..
February, looks like the "warming up-month" for my research, in this month I started sampling for research from west java to (almost) east java in just 5 days, it's fun, we got about 19 samples, culinary and visiting each city's square also. Another activity is laboratory training, it just take 2-3 days (I'm sorry, my bad.. to forget it) but I remember that I was late for the first day, ffiiuuhhh I almost can't get in... after I get my cetificate for laboratory training. I started make trial error for my sample... it's quite horrible and takes time.
March. My photo files had laboratory activity in this month, so I guess we find the method started doing extraction after doing trial error. so overall... this is a laboratory month, and takes time to discuss the right method with my advisor lecturer, and hey we invented the simple and cheap method to extract nano fraction, see? hummm... my archieve on march showed that I started make a blog named "Catatan Tingkat Akhir" wohooo... idealsm started.
April. Still about my research, when extracting on progress and had laboratory activity on this month, some result makes data, and I need to go another step from beginning, and of courese it need reference : BOOK. Okay, ready to hear this? It's my another first time going to university library after 3 years in IPB
and it's also the first time I apply for kartu perpustakaan for borrowed the book. uhh...shame on me, even the librarian laugh at me for being soooo latee...and lazy (maybe) hihihiii
May. I think I need a holiday with my family. The date on picture files told so. Having fun due to my mother's family gathering from her office, takes place in Ciater, west Java. Good place, good view and so many outbond activity, not too dangerous and not too chalenging, only fun... hahahaa... what else happen in mayy?? even in my blog echieve didn't tell anything but my research.. so, I still busy with my research..
June. My Birthday-month, just celebrate it with my family and my best friends. I think it's too much for 22-years-old-girl having celebration like this. but thank you anyway and thank God, You still blessed me with lovely people around me, hummmm... what makes june so special except my birthday, ahhh... my bad, I forget it... I'm sorry...
the blog achive shows that I'm getting frustated with my research...
July. it's Piska's b'day. we made a little surprise for her, and it works... hahahaha even in complicated way, but overall the mission is acomplised. And based on blog achive ( helped me so much to recall my memories) I think this month I had another activity beside research, like attending bookfair, make over my room... and hey, I'm oficially becoming commuter, check this out...
August. It's fasting month, if I'm not mistaken. Hmmmm.... I was planning to make reunion of my elementary school's friend, it kind of difficult to make they come, but it awfuly succesed, almost all of my friends come to my house. well the price is paid when I invited the door to door. To be honest, being even organizer is not easy, hahahahaa... it's just the small even, but I get confused within...
October! yiahhahaaa...don't ask where september go, I'll tell if I'm ready...
soooo, october I think I'm spending 2010 with my two lovely friend mbem and piska, haa, what makes october special? yet, It's another first time I go to TMII and enchanted by its comlplextion and its beauty heritage (ahahaha lebay). thanks mama for taking me in her belitong reunion, so many belitongs and belitong's food here. My curiosity of learning culture is fulfilled. I have to come back here later...
November. Many things happen in this month, (ahaaaa... it's just because my memories of november still in head, anyway) it's my father's bday, my parents' anniversary..... and, my seminar (finally) succesfully held. yeaayy...! hummmm....I forget (againnnn) wheter on october or november I started the TOEFL preparation, and also started ride BIBOP, and becoming my last-2-months-busiest activity...
ahhh...finally December. Two or maybe three special things happen, first... I met kitties, and the second it's my graduation month, Alhamdulillahhh... thank God, I can make it in the end of the year, so what's the third?! (ahhh.... it's just a hope actually) May Allah give the way to get my career on 2011..amiiinnn..
SO, it's just 12 months, that I'm passing by, I learn so much....and of course it's a really special year for me, my turning point of 2010,and september.... I want to keep you for another year...
Yesterday is History, Tommorow is a mystery, and Today is a gift, that is way it is called present, isn't?
do you remember?