okay, where to start.. lately I got at least two phenomenon? incident? or what? something that lead to conclusion I was too naive to face those things, my friend said
world is full of bad guy
first incident happen when I ride BIBOP to campus, I hit the deep hole and looks like it the cause of my tire collapse, hummm okay, alone, I count my self to make it, stay cool, at least I know what to do, go to baggage, take the extra tire and jack, and call my dad, I started panic, because I was late and got some trouble here, I just expect my dad give some instruction to do that, just to make sure I do the right step, but my dad keep asking me to search people to give some help, okay... I just make my dad panic too... later, I calm down
inspite of late, I called k' dedi to told that I might be late to campus because my tire is collapse, but it makes k'dedi ask where I am, and want to help me out... another one is panic,
just me and my self on the road, analize if I put jack on the right position, and it works, okay next changing the tire, while my half-work done, someone come to me and help me out, ahhh thank God anyway, while he changing my tire we had some chat, and finally done.
to be honest I just don't know what to do, I just say many many thank to him, after he gone away, soon I got in car, it was raining...sit in silence, I just feel something that I supossed to do, I looked my phone, there are so many missed call from my dad and k'dedi, then I called my dad, told everything okay, someone had helped me out... and my father remind me, did I give some money to man who helped me? "nope" I said "should I?" (okay, it silly question anyway) I just replaced if I were him, if I want to help someone, just help. I didn't expect more, I might be offended if someone gave me money.
maybe this thoughts is totally wrong, I was too naive, people aren't the same. If he need it, I'm sorry, because I was too naive, I just pray from deep inside my heart that the man who helped me got more than just money after helped me, amiiin...
the extra tire need more air, still in feeling sorry because I didn't give money to that man, I go to tire shop to fill the tire with air, ya I know I should pay for this, rite? I did this before, but in fact it's free...ahhhh what a strange day,
I forgot to called k'dedi, hiahhh.... where is he? it's raining too.. he is on the way, and I asked him to get back to campus, thank you and I'm sorry k dedi....

and the second incident is exactly happen yesterday, a motorcycle hit my mom's car, I was there too, it's horrible, seeing the rider meet the aspahlt right in front of us, it's totally shocking moment for me, I can't stand imagine what happen next, the man is old enough, and riding the motorcycle with full speed. Well, of course we get a little chaos here, thanks God it's just a little scracth on him, he still can stand and grumbling, of course the man who felt guilty will tell more alibi without being asked.
Motorcycle vs car, sometime motorcycle always claimed being victim because the damage and risk is higher. Sick and tired listening the argument, with smiley face I take him to clinic (I was acting to make him stop mumbling). he looks a little surprised, and calm up. At the clinic he admit that he ride motorcycle fast. Okay, mission completed that sometime you don't need extra muscle to make someone admit his fault, people in the dark always dazzled with (even) a little shine. Anyway, I think we have done our responsibility, it left a bad damage too in my mom's car, worse than his motorcycle. Fair. But you know what, when his friend came, he tell the opposite thing and keep asking the compesation to my mom, I think it's the beginning of exortion.
hhhh....I get mad, and sorry to say, this is make the educated and non-educated people different, "educated" here mean their behaviour, the good people, will makes good impact to their life too. non-educated behaviour makes someone bad. Well, world is full with bad guy, and some trouble caused by bad guy, and need bad-way-solution too, to make it, should we??
everybody is goin' crazy...let God deal with the things they do.
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