Finally, on November 25th
my minithesis seminar held, it already postpone for 3 months since my lecturer scheduled it, and rescheduled over and over, until I get depressed and tired, I can say that I was no longer patient that time, older post, you can see how upset and tired I was, now I just laught it out, hahaha~ ... and thank God, the seminar sucsessfully held, at least I found no difficulties in presentation or answering the question, I wasn't nervous at all, is it because I was so ready? I don't know, I just thought it is something that normally should be happen, and my euphoria of seminar is empty.. well, that was good point, even overall I'm not satisfied yet with my presentation, messy and unformal one I think, 
so, here the lesson :
(1) just like my mom said "there's no one can break someone down"
her advice give me energy 1000 times before, recharge me fully, thanks mom... Iwas so naive for blaming someone, and it's totally WRONG
(2) be patient, see what happen next
(3) don't blame anything
(4) sometimes loosing euphoria or not get too excited on what will you do can make you calm, and think wisely, hahaaaa..kinda weird but hey! it proofed, try it...
okay, esspecially on point no. 2 I think I already told it before, hummm so, it's 5th lesson, you will tested of what you said before, be consistent
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