Okay where to start...this fieldtrip is already scheduled in early semester. there are many destination we want to visit related to our study about landscape architecture. With many considering we choose Bali as our destination in order to learn its culture, design and city's plan according to their culture. well well...I'm not going to tell you about the context. I'm the shalow one at reporting, not like the others. I started to think change my blog description immediately. Okay back to main topic (my bad can't stand into one track) It's just because my friend find cheap flight fare by online to Bali. Ahh.. I hate to say, but I never been to Bali before seriously. So I'm not too excited because that's not one of my favorite place with beach and hundreds of monke. Nevermind I excited to have a trip with my friends...yeaaaayyy time to take vacation
Oh ya, I will go to Bali at 21-24 of January (monday-thursday) so I take leave from my office for 3 days, thanks God it's after deadline date. I never thought that was last deadline I made, I make it just in time, try to fix my bad....a little bit away from my graduates school friends. But in the middle of my try to fix those problem at office, I have to take decision to quit. I send it via email, but no replies...I need to leave at sunday. Still no edited article, I went to Bandung, with sapu to tya's hotel. Both of them is friend of mine at graduate school. We actually go to bali from bandung. We have some plan to enjoy bandung before leaving to Bali.
From the very start I and sapu planned to go to Bandung by travel. Just meet sapu at cibubur mc d we get it wrong. While I'm with dad and sapu with her dad too, two different cars we didn't recognize at parking lot. Calling each other to find where we are pfffttt..finally we meet each other. Another misunderstanding happen : which car we use to go to travel, my car or sapu's car follow mine. hahahahahaa...I made it clear by asking her to take my car, fyuuh.
We get to bandung faster than I ever thought. While tya waiting our depature at hotel, sapu sleep along the journey and my phone signal is bad. The BBM sent right after at highway gate. It needs about 40 minutes from tya's hotel to pasteur. ahahahaha...all hail to tya, she find us. So we went straight to PVJ, I want to eat kamikaze there. Fyi, we don't know exactly about bandung's road. We just lay on maps on my tab. We got to PVJ without get lost. Unfortunatelly, kamikaze closed their resto already, so we eat at richeese factory. After eat... when girls meet...unstopable shopping happen (bold+underline to sapu, ikikikikikkk) I amazed how can she buy thing for every shop we come in. Silly thing happen when sapu excited (again) to enter the shop that we already come and BUY a thing there. Ckckckckc. actually I and tya make a joke as if that was interesting place to come, but sapu give a responds seriously
I bet sapu and tya already spends so much just at bandung. All of us realize that we not arrive at bali yet but we already buy many thing. kkkk...done with many bags in hand, we're not done yet today. oyeaahhh....next is sapu's curriousity about hummingbird cafe at bandung, a aa.. all of us don't know where it is and how to get there, which way to take, etc. You know bandung's street is very mean, once you get lost there's no way back. hmmphh!
Based on the address on the website and maps on tab we go to bandung about 7,30 pm to have dinner there.. syalalaaa everything under control when the maps tell us to go to satay building (landmark of bandung). Tya's drive, she know how to get there. The problem begin when we can't find the street where the hummingbird located. why we meet satay building over and over again after having difficult way. So this is how happen:
Tya, the driver who can't step the brake, and her foot stick to the gas.
Me, the co-driver that not help too much, the most responsive co-driver
Sapu, at back seat, as navigator who tell which way to go (umm actually that's my job but I can't handdle it very well)
Tya: "Tell me now! which way to go left?! right!? quickly! I already on the fork!" (imagine she said it on fire)
Sapu: "ummm...ummm..wait...according to this map...."
Tya: "I want the answer now! look at the map!"
Sapu: "ummmm..yes...but it supposed to be..."
Tya: "can't you see where we are and the destination is?!" *started to boil*
Me: "Left"
Then we go to the left and find it wrong...pfffttt
Tya: "why you said left...%$&&^%#@*&^%$!!" *step the gas brutally*
Me: "to know that is wrong, so back again and we went to right..." *calm*
Sapu: "I want to tell you went to right but...." *feeling guilty*
Can you imagine how the situation inside the car, extremely noisy by 3 girls who blame the maps that's not update. We find it hard to read it, muehehehehe...so after that we use local maps by asking people around :
Me: "excuse me do you know where progo st. is?"
Man: "just straight to this way, go to left another fork take it to right, when you find mosque, just behind that. to get there...etc...etc...bla..blaa..."
Me: "okaaay get it...Thank youu" *smile with understanding-well-face then close the window*
*ask to tya* : "you copy it right tya? I don't remember what he said"
Tya: "......."
Sapu: "zzzzzzz..."
Okay....let's ask another man here, asked to old man there *syalalaaa*
Me: "excuse me, do you know where hummingbird cafe?"
Man: "what is that?"
Tya: "Looo... why you ask like that, there's one in million he would know...grrr"
Me: "I just try our luck, ehehehehe"
Sapu: "Guys, I guess I read the maps up side down, we away from destination" *still talking about maps*
ahahahahaa... I can't stop laughing write this part. So, after round and round satay building for many time ( Tya called it tawaf kkkk) we finally find hummingbird cafe! oyeaaaaa..it's 9.30 pm and thanks God it's not closed yet. We are too excited finding hummingbird cafe, gosh finally.... we went back to hotel, and have a nice sleep. The next morning we have breakfast at mall under the hotel before....take picture at photobox *what a random morning*
Another disaster journey at Bandung happen again like before. Ever worse than before, it's long-long way journey and why do we still trust that maps, ikikikikii...unfortunately we can't find our destination because we have to go to bali this afternoon. *fly to balii* we arrived to Bali's hotel at 11.30 PM
lap keringet, pegel yes... subtittle : OFF
Okay, nothing special 3 day at bali. We use travel to everywhere with limited time. I just go to beach once, the rest is taking photo...and taking photoo.. (Photo courtesy: sapu)
#Day One
Well-welcomed at BDTC (Bali Develoment Tourism Center) listening to the presentation of nusa dua's design. Get many understanding of Bali's culture in palnning design.
3rd destination BDTC lagoon. This is the water management of Nusa Dua and becoming the habitat of wild animal (bird). Plus this place have a superb scene to take photo.
Went to dreamland beach, through Graha Wishnu Kencana (GWK). Watching kecak dance. My favorite place is lotus. Feels like de javu here.
#Day Two
After looking, interview, taking Bali traditional house (for fieldtrip report) eheheee.. we went to ubud, the palace, the market, interesting for me. I fell in love with the paint on this picture.
The rest destinationis some temple which the woman who have period can't come in. Unfortunately I'm the one who can't enter the temple (tampaksiring and goalawah) just wait...and wait...
Overall, we have a good meal..until bli Wayan take us into Bali tradisional food fish satay. Oh yes taste unfamiliar for me. Just to know that was bali's food style
#Day Three
Time to go homeeee...arrived at 13.00 at Bandung
Having lunch at Bandung, then go home...what a fun trip with graduate school friends
The next day....
At Friday, 25 of January after 1 year and 11 months being reporter at national agricultural magazine I said goodbye. Time to be full time student by making report of our fieldtrip at bali, done at the day I get the final score. Alhamdulillah....After that I do the academic stuff for next semester. Wish me luck!