I and Tubby--my best sushi mate ever--went to Tokio Kitchen. That place offer some japanesse food with tokyo street concept. But our goal is sushi-sushi-and-sushi... hahahaa so we order all menu of Tokio Kitchen's sushi. It was 6 menu, Tokio Roll, Tiger Roll, Tokio Dragon Roll, Tokio Classic Roll, Aburi Chilli Salmon Roll and Spicy Ponzu Salmon Itokezuri. Yes, we order all of them, six plates of sushi. Since we thought it's nomal portion for us. We usually eat 5--6 plates at another sushi restaurant. So there's nothing problem with that. ummm why don't you visit danbo at umaku, that one of my favorite sushi restaurant.
Okay, what should I say when the 2-first-plates of sushi come at our table. We looked at each other then almost laugh. It's just 2 plates but it's the big slice and consist of 8 slices. I wonder how we eat the rest of 4 plates of sushi. We lookes at the picture before, and never expect the same thing from picture. so we gonna eat 6x8 sushi huh? 48 big pieces!!! 
Sooo...the next 4 plates of sushi come. As we expected that is too much. I can't think clearly even remember what kind of sushi we had. Even take the picture every single detail of the menu. The waitress too...she was able to mention only 2 menu, the rest she can't talk but only smile and laugh when I said that I understand why she smile. Yes it is too much, even there's plenty space at our table. For the first minute there's nothing we do just giggle and shake our head.
The next minutes is taking picture, I think every menu picture is no longer interesting. Now we talk about quantitive. Then I remember how much rice needed to make 1 portion of 4 slice sushi at Umaku. Now we gonna eat 12 times more than we see. Okay....At the first time we eat we can decide which one is our favorite, at least it has disticnt flavour from other. It actually...yummy, delicious and dense.
Then, we stop. Look at the plates, just half eaten. Have a chit chat the go on to another slice of sushi. Go on and on.. oh damn... why it seem didn't change at all. Then I remember about sushi eating competition I had some month ago. just...dont puke....don't puke.... Finally, after 3 hours eating sushi we succesfully clean the plate. Both of us eat that 48-slice-of sushi. what a record. 
Did you said we done for it? nooo.... we spend that much only 36.538 IDR, because we pay the sushi with disdus voucher cost 150K IDR. We had another voucher for dessert, a 16 oZ of coldstone ice cream. wkwkwkwkwk....

We choose cheesecake ice cream. but there's no excitement when we eat that. We done for it, until we feel sour at our tongue hahahaha...What a day, can you imagine how many rice come to our stomach? Tubby so lucky, he can put it away right after eating sushi. Me? Can't pup until 3 days, what a bad feeling... but as long as our stomach is full we are happy... "kenyaaaannng.....bahagiaaaaa"
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