Well, time to pick things on my desk, becoming ex-journalist and full time student 2:22 PM - 25 Jan 13 ·
The next semester is everything brand new, because the new class is supposed to be started at my second semester. I found my classmate is more fun and enjoyable. I love to stay at class longer. They also love to hangin' out...hahahahaa things I never do before, we usually went to comfort place to do our assignment. Yes, the assignment is crazier than before, but that's not a big thing for me, I have friends who do the same thing and and never push me like before. Meanwhile....I have to back to office, feels like hell for me, pressure is everywhere. My bad, I can't handle it no more, things don't same like before, I passed the deadline of article with bad writing, having bad into so- so coming up article, never came up to office...they properly treat me the bad one. That reasonable. But...I begin don't care.
I used to think being student and journalist is the coolest thing ever....and it was! I do enjoy that two things. Sometimes I can split it,, sometimes they collide helplessly
Like doing my take home exam in the middle of the way to my cover at Cianjur, without opening laptop either reading + thinking, its road can shake your guts to come out but I did it. Then I continue doing my exam (with opened laptop) while interview. It's crazy, but I can make it. The last is doing exam when I have high fever and end up with measles (damn) hahahahaha... my body even can take it, at least in 6 month I go to hospital 4 times. The doctor say, I have to get proper rest, that's it because my endurance is very bad however, easily defeat by virus.
But my strong will is my priority....I get a lot of advantage being reporter and student. My writing skill is well trained with my senior at office. (Thank you for my chief editor, until now I adore her so much how she teach me and face all of reporters' condition) I get used to interview many people, the technique how to get information, how to behave, etc. I also easily change my status of student into reporter in the middle of practicum, using my teacher as source of my article. Sometimes I forget doing my assignment while writting article
haaaa that's enough for the challenge, many thanks for experience I had. Now I have to be full time student as if I'm running out of time. I'm ready for next challenge, we never know what future bring, just bring it on, the better one of course. Just, wish me luck. Believe me, the most touching moment when you quit from job is to pick things on your desk...it's too emotional for me, hihihi with many thing on my desk it didn't take much time...and more boxes to place it, just one big bag
Wish me very very luck,
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