....sometimes hopes that make you survive :')
That was my photo caption on my instagram. The photo which I made some stuff with scrapbook thing related to my wishlist on the next year. Usually I made the scrapbook stuff in random time, just like this one I made is in the middle of hectic week of work deadline and mid test of my postgraduates study. I know scrapbooking is totally wasting time for some people but for the one who loves it mean gain energy to move on
Okay..what I'm going to tell you for this post? I dont know, I just want to train my writing ability on blog again. Another reason is happen about 15 minutes ago while I blogwalking on my friend's blog, my mom came over me and ask me to update the blog. Yes, she's looking more story of my blog. I know the fanatic reader of this blog is only my mom and my boyfriend, ahahahaha...they do want to be the first who read my posting. because...one day I found tubby's most visited page thumbnail on his browser is my blog and my tumblr. But it was a long ago. I guess we both too busy to write on read something-not-related-with-job-or-assignment...pffftttt

For this year maybe I tell you some month that obviously special. It is february 2012. My whole life is turning into high speed. On that month, I and tubby being a couple, being a postgraduate student, and recieve my press card (officially journalist :')). Another rest month I remember well is my bday (June). mom's (August) and Tubby's (October) and...December. ahahhahaha yes that bad, because they gone too fast but I have the best family, friends, and lover this year, I'm so thankfull Allah! Alhamdulillaah...for blessing me with new great friends of my postgraduate school that makes me survive on study. Thanks God for ease my work. And...ummmm actually I have more food experience since having "partner in crime" fu...fu...fu...
Counting down
This is almost the end of the year..,oh hello december you come earlier than before yes? My bad I can't remember every detail of the month I have passed this year. Unlike two years ago when I have so much time to draw up every month then describe it bravely on this blog. (ahhh...I just revisted that post, I was graduate 2 years ago, exactly 2 days from now). Why september is gone? and why tubby not there? hahahahah don't worry baby, you are my future, so don't be upset when you're not include on my 2010's counting down where we spend that year without a day. I should put you on march 24th 2010 yes? (titoaribowo, 2011) For this year maybe I tell you some month that obviously special. It is february 2012. My whole life is turning into high speed. On that month, I and tubby being a couple, being a postgraduate student, and recieve my press card (officially journalist :')). Another rest month I remember well is my bday (June). mom's (August) and Tubby's (October) and...December. ahahhahaha yes that bad, because they gone too fast but I have the best family, friends, and lover this year, I'm so thankfull Allah! Alhamdulillaah...for blessing me with new great friends of my postgraduate school that makes me survive on study. Thanks God for ease my work. And...ummmm actually I have more food experience since having "partner in crime" fu...fu...fu...
The Wishlist
The photo before can't show my handwriting on note clearly yes? Some of you must be wondering what it is...Well, it's just like my shor-term wish, because it's written in the middle of desperate feeling like I told you before. Definatelly some of them already fullfil like scrapbooking, blogging (now), reading and buy more book (even just read the fist dozen pages of one book over 3 books), cooking (hey! I just make curry rice, you have to wait for the next posting.ok), playing with bubu (hapilly), dating (oh yea...extend food experience I mean :p), cafe-ing (yes...my never-ending-assignment makes me do that and sometime over budget one), routine RPM (routine skip, hahaha), buy a new laptop (that's my needs I buy it althougt it cut my salary into half for the next 4 months,huhuhu).
Almost half of my wishlist is happen before 2013, ahahahaha I must update it somehow...to survive. So the rest wishlist is quit from job and find the better one, being fulltime student, graduate hapilly, start a business (how about curry restaurant, I love the smell) , renovating room (black-white style), travelling, scanning and printing scrapbook stuff, took a picture with danbo (OMG I never took danbo picture this rest year) and learning to pain. Well that's it, I will make one more if I get down, and more and more...:) May any chapter of life make me steady to fulfill any wish I make..
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