I love having new book, but I doubt I can finished them all once..
#Eat Pray Love
I watch the movie first, then interested to read the book. I jump into its detailed story. Some woman's character in this book is just like me searching happiness and freedom for herself and by herself. I bought this book about 5 months ago, and I have read until page 58 of >348 pages hihhiii..
#Studying Abroad
It's not a novel, it's just tutorial book of how to survive studying abroad. Content short story of people who study abroad, some tips to prepare or to choose the right country to study, etc. Ahh..I never read that book actually, I bought with Eat Pray Love, 5 months ago. I want to read it soon after I finished eat pray love.
#Habibie & Ainun
I can say this is my favorite book even I'm not done read this. I just read one chapter and it really touched me. How man had his power in her lady. Never thought that intelligent person can write such simple words but you can feel it comes from his heart
ahhh..anyway I'm not finished it yet. I bought about one month ago, and half done.
#Bahasa Jurnalistik
My Birthday never completed without Piska and Mbem. We had our friendship since first grade at elementary school. It's been 16 years.. humm.. I think I used to post about them and our friendship last year, here. Things look like never change, we had totally different character, know each other. But not at night when my birthday come. Piska and mbem come sooo late to my home. I wonder what makes them so long.
So at 8 pm they came to my home bring unwraped book with small ribbon and greeting card. Wow, it's so unusual, they never give something on my birthday but they appearance is more than a gift for me. Hahahaha....I know before they come, they bought this book for me. It's tittled "Bahasa Jurnalistik" haa and it must be piska who pick the book. but I don't know whose idea it is.., thank you for supporting me in my new world girls 
The most touch me is their greeting card, it must be mbem's handwriting, Piska always claim her handwriting is not good,
I put their greeting card at my wall along our picture when we were at senior high school and our graduation day..
ahhh...kribo remind me that 8 books of doraemon comic given by tubby as gift last year is not yet done, 
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